Bible Verse of the Day

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 December 2012 - Special Prayer Requests

Upcoming Surgery
Traci has just discovered she has colon cancer and must have her whole colon removed; the surgery is set for 27 December 2012.  As you can imagine, she is in need of prayer.  Please pray for her faith in God, for Him to enter her heart and comfort her; for the medical team treating her, that they might pay close attention and do their best; for her family as they worry, that they might not worry but support her.  Pray for a good result.

Thanksgiving and Continued Healing
Lou an elderly woman in the hospital with pneumonia, is improving and will be moving to an Assisted Living Home on 28 December 2012.  Please pray a prayer of thanksgiving and for continued recovery.

Liz Strauch had surgery for a pineal cyst on 4 December 2012.  The surgery was very successful, she is having pain from the surgery.  Please pray a prayer of thanksgiving and for continued recovery.

Larry Howes suffered a fairly severe stroke. 4 December 2012, doctors replaced a valve in a shunt that had been put in about a week ago, and Larry has responded very well.  He is able to get out of bed and may be able to go home before long.  Please pray a prayer of thanksgiving and for continued healing.

Bob Smouse had shoulder surgery on 28 November 2012.  He would appreciate your thanksgiving prayers.  While the surgery apparently went well, he is still in pain and would also appreciate prayers for continued healing and the pain to subside.  He promises to work very hard on recovery therapy.

Tore, of Oslo, Norway recently had a kidney transplant.  Unfortunately his body rejected the kidney, infection had set in.  Without God's healing touch he would soon die.  According to his wife Inga, shortly after the prayer request, he began a prompt recovery and is now home.  Tore and Inga give thanks for God’s Grace and your prayer.

Carol Stone, the sweet wife of Mike Stone, longtime friend and colleague of Sara Simmons as well as Hap, was helicoptered to hospital with an ultimate diagnosis of severe bleeding on the left side of her brain.   She remains hospitalized, but seems to be making some progress.

Please pray for peace of mind and trust in God for Mike, guidance for the medical team treating Carol and strength for Carol as well as faith and trust.  No one can ever understand the why of these things here on earth.  Sara who passed this request on asks that you pray in both faith and hope.

Muriel Pappin broke her hip in a fall and had surgery on 21 November 2012; please give thanks for a successful surgery and a rapid and full recovery.

Nicolas is in the hospital with serious symptoms of a heart disorder. Please pray for peace of mind for him and guidance for the medical team looking for the cause and cure.

Mrs. Baek an elderly women fell and injured her spine.  Doctors cannot repair the spinal injury due to her age. She fell again the morning of 12 December 2012, breaking her collar bone which is also untreatable. Mrs. Baek is in severe pain and will appreciate your prayers.

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